Referral to New Spring County Mental Health Services

Phone: 123.123.1234 (collect calls accepted)
Website: www.countyofnewspring.test
Mailing Address: 270 County Hospital Rd., Ste. 19, New Spring, AZTUTE 83864
Street Address: Same
Days/Hours: Office: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; Emergency: 24 hours
a day, 7 days a week.

Services: Mental health provides a full range of outpatient services to all residents of New Spring County. Crisis services are available through our agency or by contacting the Crisis Line. Emergency hospitalizations and evaluations were provided. Services for adults and children range from consultation, assessment, referral, and medication to individual, group, marital and family therapy. Services are available in Aztute and New Spring by appointment.

Persons Served: All residents
Area Served: New Spring
Fees: Sliding scale, Medi-Cal accepted